Sunday, April 24, 2011

Prayers Needed - Got A Prayer To Spare

6th Post    April 28, 2011
Beach HouseVisit ( Mar Apr )     

The day finally arrived, Pip Squeak and her family,  Jessica (Mother) Sue  and Marc (Grandparents)  pulled into our parking area after a two day drive.  The family piled out of the SUV and hugs and kisses were the immediate order of the day.  Agnes and I were so looking forward to their arrival for it was Laticia's first visit to the beach. 
Marc (Agnes' son) and I started to unload and move their bags to our apartment. To be honest we didn't know what to expect for we knew Marc had a trailer and Laticia does require quite a bit.  Unloading their car kept us busy for a while.  So much stuff!  There were suitcases, there was a crib and an intricate set up to feed little Laticia, a stroller, a car seat, a high chair, a play mat, toys, food and clothes, even a special tub-lounge, for her to be given her daily bath.   I have to hand it to Marc, for  he was a packing specialist every bit of storage space was utilized and we were kept busy unloading, for quite some time.  It was surprising to find space in our condo to fit it all  – but where there is a will, there is a way!
Another surprise, 5 grownups and a baby sharing a 2 bedroom 11/2 bath took some doing but it did not take long to establish a daily routine and tending to Laticia’s needs came easy.  She slept quite well, and we attribute that to the love that permeated our condo and  the warm gulf air. She had a ball  laying on her mat, playing with her toys and watching TV especially anything where  music was involved. Her little legs would move in time to the music and so would her bottom, squirming around on her mat.

More surprises were in store for us, Sue's mom and dad were visiting friends in our area and they were stopping by so Sue and her dad could attend  a spring training ballgame. Laticia  loved every minute of it for she sat in her highchair and watched with delight all that was going on.
Sue's boss and another friend were  invited for dinner, and Agnes went all out making a delicious meal for we ate like kings and queens.  Each evening Laticia would sit in her chair and oversee what was going on and when finished, we took a walk by the beach – she could feel the warm breeze, touch the sand and splash the water of the Gulf of Mexico.  The fresh air was good for her and all of us.
Still being fed by tube, her feedings took much time, as much as several hours.   No problem when travelling, since her food-bag and feeding tube were kept in a small insulated backpack, so she could be “hooked up” whenever it was time to eat.  This gave us a chance to visit with a couple of our special friends, One in particular, for their visit did provide them the opportunity to make one very special visit. The family wanted to meet and visit with Sister Marie.  Sister Marie smiled with joy as she held and played with Laticia and spoke to us all while doing so. Laticia received a fuzzy stuffed animal to add to her collection. After taking the family on a tour of the church we said our goodbyes. Besides  making trips to malls and the bird sanctuary, It was all accomplished without upsetting Laticia’s eating routine. 
Their visit came to an end so swiftly for it seemed like it only began. Marc and I hauled bags etc., and the SUV  slowly filled to the roof for the return trip home. Upon returning home, Laticia is off to the distant teaching  hospital to undergo a two day exam for a special diet that, if all goes well at the end of two years, her seizures should hopefully cease.  While her daily seizures are not as severe as before the seizures do interfere with her healing and hopefully normalcy 
Laticia loved to lay on her mat, move her arms and legs and roll over – no she cannot sit yet, that’s the next goal!  However, she had already come a long way, the tightness of her muscles was beginning to loosen up, sometimes she could even grab one of her toys and make some happy sounds – no words, just sounds.  She was very alert, looked at every- thing and  responded beautifully to sounds, music and television. Yes, she had seizures, just about each day, but they were not too severe – what a sad experience to see her entire body shake and shiver and not to be able to help her.  But anyhow, Laticia brought so much joy to our days.  She is a very content and loveable baby, smiles easily and makes people contact, finding her way into everyone’s heart  - but she still has a very long and very difficult way to go – Her need for prayers is as great as it ever was.  She needs your prayers!
A thought for today and all the tomorrows:
God always gives His best to those who leave the Choice to Him.

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Morning Mom


I'm Hungry
A Girl Got To Look Good

Got To Get My Exercise

That's Funny Gram

Hi My Name Is Laticia
All That Talking
Makes Me Sleepy
 I Want You
To Meet
My Special Friend
Sister Matie

Jan & Dick
Sue's Mom & Dad
The Beach Bums

Thank You Lord, For Another Beautiful Week.

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