Monday, May 2, 2011

Prayers Needed - Got A Prayer To Spare

I'm Back
7th Post       May 2 2011
Laticia adventures continue
with a big bang 2011,
Narrated by the Ghostwriter

Greetings to family and friends, I apologize with being behind in my writings.  This year has been very busy for me and the family.  I don’t even know where to begin, so much has happened.  All I know for sure is life is pretty good for me right now.  As you know from my last writing I have 4 nurses with me 16 hrs a day, no not all the nurses work the same day there are different shifts.  I have to admit my favorite is Ms Terisita.  She is my day nurse and is with me 9am to 5pm Monday through Friday.  Ms Terisita is wonderful to me, we have a great routine.  I look forward to seeing her first thing in the morning when I wake up.  She keeps me so busy all day; she is able to travel with Mom and I to my doctor’s appointments.  My other nurse is Joanna, she is my night nurse, I do not get to really play with her since she comes when it is time to go to bed.  But she is always singing to me and ensuring I sleep well through the night.  I sleep like a little angel knowing she watches over me.  My other 2 nurses are Alice and Amelia they work weekends.  Amelia's last day with me was this week, I get a  new nurse next week.

For those who don’t know, I started what they call a ketodiet, this is specialized diet for people who have seizures.  The diet can be researched through a website called Charlie’s Foundation.  When you get a chance look for yourself, it’s about a young child who had severe seizures at age 2, he tried this diet and has been seizure free for several years.  I don’t want to give it all away in case you are interested in reading.   I can tell you for me, I started this diet last month, had to go into hospital for 3 days to be monitored.  There are some minimal side effects but my family and doctors agree that it was worth for me to try.  There are no promises that my seizures will stop, but I can say since I have been dieting I have been more active.  This diet makes my stomach feel so much better.  I’m still having seizures on a daily basis, but they are not as severe, and I am more alert after them.  We will try this for 3 months; if I show progress then I can continue for 2 years.  The other thing this diet as done for me, it has made me gain weight.  Who would have thought you would gain weight on a diet, Grandma says it’s the story of her life, the more careful she is the more she gains.  She is so funny.    Please continue with the prayers that this diet will help me so I can stop these seizures.

Other exciting news is in Jan, I had started vigorous physical therapy outside the house once a week.  Let me tell you, it is one hard workout.  But I love to go there now; I have made some good process in my activity.  Even though I cannot sit, I am able to pull my head up more and I am a lot more mobile.  So much that I really go crazy with my legs and arms on my mat.  I have been able to rollover more and get my little bottom up and am ready to take off crawling, but I can’t because I’m unable to lift my upper body.  Someday I might be able too, if you continue praying.  I am waiting for my special suit to arrive.  This suit is used in therapy, they want me to have one at home,.  The suit is like a wet suit when I have it on it assists with my muscles and loosens them so I can sit.  I love being in the suit it makes my whole body feel good.  I don’t know how it works but it does. 

You would not believe I got to go on my first vacation since all this happened to me.  My grandparents and mom took me by car to Florida to see my grandma Agnes and Grandpa Phil.  This was a huge adventure for us since its very challenging for everyone to take me out for too long,  I come with a lot of equipment that helps me with my daily care and of course everyone’s luggage.  We were all excited that as a family we were able to travel such a long way.  I had a great time going to the beach, this was the first time to feel sand, touch the ocean waves and just be out in the beautiful Gulf.  We were so busy while we were visiting; I had met such many wonderful people.  One in particular was Sister Marie, we went to her home and we all had a great visit.  Sister Marie just held me and talked to me she said it was like holding a angel.  Little does she know Mom had a little talk with me before we went and said I need to be on my best behavior?  Really that was not a problem, I felt so comfortable being with Sister Marie, it was like I knew her all my life.  Thanks Sister Marie for my little bunny, I sleep with her every night.  There was so much other fun stuff and folks to would take me all night to write, so I will just say it was a great vacation.

I have one favor to ask, my family has to go to court this month for my dad's sentencing for what he did to me.  Please keep all of us in your prayers to include my dad.  I don’t know why he did what he did, but I do know it is not up us, to ask why.  We have all been hurt by all of this, but we all know,  with the help of God and you kind folks with all the prayers, that me and my family will get stronger and be able to live our lives.  Thanks to everyone for your prayers.  With your help I know that even though the road I have to travel will be hard for me, but we know that we will survive because of you. 
Love you all a whole bunch!   Laticia

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